Canvas Studio media files can be embedded in any course content. This includes modules, assignments, pages, quiz questions, announcements, and other course items.
Students can submit audio and video files to assignments and discussions.
Canvas Guide: How do I use Canvas Studio?
View Canvas's Studio user guides -
Check our training site for upcoming demonstrations of Studio.
Make an appointment with one of the CDM staff for hands-on training for individuals or groups
Canvas has partnered with the Screen-Cast-O-Matic company to provide a set of editing tools that can be used in Studio to edit videos that you have created using Studio's screen capture tool. The links below point to Screen-Cast-O-Matic's How-to videos on YouTube.
Here's the link to the main channel - Editing tool with Screencast-O-Matic - YouTube - and below are links to videos on how to use the different individual tools.