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The French program comprises a rich curriculum in language, culture, literature, and film. An education in French prepares students for a variety of careers in industries such as fashion, culinary arts, diplomatic relations, and international sports. A minor in French pairs wells with a degree in International Business with Language and Culture

German language instruction is offered in a four-semester sequence, combined with cultural courses and related courses in a cognate area. A minor in German pairs wells with a major in International Business with Language and Culture, opening the door for meaningful study abroad experiences.

Providing a foundation for Classical Studies, studies in Ancient Greek develop reading skills and an understanding of language structures. Students engage with ancient culture through study of Homer, the New Testament, Greek tragedy, and more.

Italian language courses provide the foundation for a self-designed major or minor in Italian Studies. Using an interdisciplinary approach, students also examine Italian cultures and literature, and are encouraged to study abroad in a short- or long-term program. A major or minor in Italian Studies pairs well with a degree in International Business with Language and Culture.

Japanese studies help students learn the language and culture of the country known for its rich history, strong economic power, and ever-changing popular culture. The courses are offered at all levels from beginner to advanced, plus an independent study component for students who wish to pursue a deeper understanding of the language and culture of Japan.


Keiko Nakano, M.A.  
Assistant Professor of Japanese  
Akiko Ohno, B.A.  
Instructor in Japanese Calligraphy  
Iswari Ranganathan  
Instructor in Japanese Ikebana  

From study of the fundamentals of Latin to readings of selected authors such as Cicero, Petronius, Horace, and Augustine, students acquire a deeper understanding of the roots of English vocabulary, the structure of language, and the culture of the ancient Romans.

From beginning language courses to advanced exploration of literature, culture and film, the Spanish program comprises a rich curriculum leading to language competency and greater cultural appreciation. Spanish is a flexible co-major or minor for many other degree paths, especially business, biology, and political science. A major or minor in Spanish pairs well with a degree in International Business with Language and Culture.